Friday, August 12, 2011

Co-operative Advertising is a Great Way to Reduce Advertising Costs

Co-operative advertising is an arrangement between a manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor and a retailer whereby the wholesaler helps to pay for some or all of an ad run by that business.  USA Today: Co-op advertising is a great way to increase visibility  

In many cases you can cut advertising expenses in half with the use of co-op advertising dollars.

Some manufacturers also provide assistance with advertising design by providing templates for common ads like postcards, phone book ads or vehicle wraps.

The companies you buy from might have Co-Op advertising programs available even though they have never been discussed.  So ask your suppliers.  You can also use co-op dollars as a point of negotiation when discussing pricing and buying programs. 

Co-Op advertising dollars can be applied to many different advertising expenses including:
• Direct Mail
• Signage
• In-store displays
• Television and radio
• Newspapers and magazines
• Yellow pages
• Outdoor ads
• Websites
• Vehicle Wraps 

Check out how this manufacturer of water heaters provides step-by-step instructions to take advantage of their co-op program for vehicle wraps (which includes advertising dollars and graphic design) Rheem

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