Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A Sara Lee truck passed by recently and prompted some thoughts on slogans after reading...."Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee" on the side of the truck.

Wikipedia says....
An effective slogan usually:
  • states the main benefits of the product or brand for the potential user or buyer
  • implies a distinction between it and other firms' products - of course, within the usual legal constraints
  • makes a simple, direct, concise, crisp, and apt statement
  • is often witty
  • adopts a distinct "personality" of its own
  • gives a credible impression of a brand or product
  • makes the consumer feel "hot" or...
  • makes the consumer feel a desire or need
  • is hard to forget - it adheres to one's memory (whether one likes it or not), especially if it is accompanied by mnemonic devices, such as jingles, ditties, pictures or film
One thing that is missing on this list is how an effective slogan can inspire the reader to think and create a mental image related to the slogan.  With the slogans listed below the reader can quickly generate a mental image that correlates with the product's application or benefits.

·         Cingular Wireless: "Raising the Bar"
·         Ford: "Built for the Road Ahead"
·         Intel: "Intel Inside"
·         Intersil: "Technology at the Speed of Life"
·         Linksys: "At Linksys - We are making connectivity easier"
·         Linx Technologies: "Wireless Made Simple"
·         Lockheed Martin: "We Never Forget Who We're Working For"
·         RCAT Systems: "You push the limits. We measure it."

By the way....the slogan for Sara Lee is actually "The joy of Eating" (http://www.saralee.com/FAQs.aspx).

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