Thursday, October 7, 2010

Silhouettes in Design

Silhouettes are good images to use in advertising design for a few reasons.
·        Silhouettes can quickly be identified
·        They are aesthetically pleasing 
·        Silhouetted images don't confuse the viewer with unnecessary or distracting details
·        The eye and mind are attracted to the image and engage it as they try to complete or understand the image.

Apple is the modern master for the use of silhouettes in advertising design.  The designers for Apple use the silhouette to help the viewer identify with the image of the person as an important part of the message but not the point of the message.  The silhouetted people that appear in Apple ads are active and lively, clearly enjoying the product.  With Apple’s design the product stands out, as it appears in white – in its own contrasting silhouette.  The message to the consumer is “your life will be fun and lively if you have this product”.

Contrast an Apple ad with a similar product advertised by Skull Candy.  The Skull Candy ad is vibrant and attractive but the message isn’t as clear and concise.  The viewer has to interpret more visual information to make a conclusion that it is the earphone that is creating excitement and pleasure for the girl in the picture.

Silhouettes can be effectively used in design to market many types of products and services.   

The vehicle wrap featured on the site would quickly catch the eye of a cycling enthusiast.  After the silhouette grabs the enthusiast’s attention their eye would naturally go to the name of the company.  The design is simple but effective.  

Notice how the wrap featured on the SignsWest website, which advertises a medical procedure, would have the same effect as the Bay Area Bicycling wrap.  The viewer would identify with the silhouetted image and then connect with the service.


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