Friday, October 29, 2010

Advertise Here.....Really??

Innovative advertising is fun and inspiring.  Check out some of these unique advertising ideas.  If you have seen any unusual advertising space for sale, or that you would like to sell, please post a comment with details.  Or, if you have seen a funny, unusual or unique advertising space please post a comment.

Excerpt from FastCompany Article...."Most Annoying Man on Internet" Does It Again
BY David Zax Mon Oct 4, 2010
Five years ago, Alex Tew became famous for his simple, clever, and very lucrative idea, the Million Dollar Homepage. Tew, then a college student, bought a homepage with a million pixels, then sold advertising space to companies for a buck a pixel. It worked, and Tew was able to finance his education.....

 School Bus Advertising
Excerpt from The Associated Press
Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010 | 2:53 p.m.

The Washoe County School District is considering selling advertising space on school buses to help raise money in the face of budget cuts.....

Meet the Martins: The Human Billboard Family  


by Cindy Perman, Staff Writer Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    The Martins are an average family: There's Mom, Dad, and 2.2 kids -- Layne (4), Kaitlyn (3) and Alex (due Dec. 31). Except for the fact that they're human billboards. Wherever they go, they're advertising for you -- even when they're on vacation!  The Billboard Family

    Ads on Eggs

    Bloomberg, Business Week: Ad Placement Gets Extreme

    By Joseph Pisani, AUGUST 1, 2006 

    Back in 2006 "CBS Television announced that it will start etching ads for its new fall programming on about 35 million eggs."  

    Post a comment if you have unique advertising space for sale or tell us about unusual advertising space you have seen. 

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